Terrain correction computation by controlling the integral radius using the FFT method 积分半径可控地形改正FFT算法的研究
Correction Computation of Engine Turbocharging Efficiency under Plateau Conditions 高原发动机涡轮增压的效率修正计算
Correction on the computation formula of the number of Fortresses within the domains. 修正了堡垒的领地数字的计算公式。
Hence, in the sight of this relationship we analyse the influence of different structural factors on temperature correction by theoretical computation in this article. providing reference for temperature correction of deflection using data in situ. 因此,本文从这个关系入手通过理论计算分析不同结构因素对弯沉温度修正的影响,供现场采集弯沉数据温度修正参考。
Study on Correction Computation for Ballistic Test Results of Free Recoil 对自由后坐试验结果修正计算的研究
This paper utilizes two characteristics of the large scale power system: the correction equation is large sparse and the vector is short, and studies the power system computation based on Krylov subspace method. 结合大规模电力系统修正方程组高维超稀疏性以及短向量的特点,提出以Krylov子空间方法研究电力系统方程计算问题。
We also give a new correction factor to simplify the calculation of the Unstatistic. This article summarizes the recent results about geometric and topologic quantum computation. 总结了近期对几何与拓扑量子计算领域的研究结果。
Therefore, it should be improved in parameter selection and correction in dip computation. 在定量解释上和在倾角计算中合理选择参数、合理校正等方面还不完善。
Design of Non-linearity Correction of Sensor Based on Analog Computation Unit 基于模拟计算单元电路(ACU)的传感器非线性校正系统设计
The result shows that using velocity measuring data after error correction in preliminary orbiting computation can effectively improve the orbit determination precision. 计算结果表明,使用经各种误差修正后的测速数据参与初轨计算能有效提高定轨精度。
Finally, some applications of quantum control in quantum error correction coding and universality analysis of quantum computation are presented and the potential applications of quantum control in quantum information and quantum computation are also prospected. 最后,简单介绍了量子控制方法在量子纠错编码、通用量子计算中的已有应用,并对其在量子信息和量子计算其他领域的潜在应用进行了展望。
The Momentum Correction Coefficient in Hydraulic Computation with Complex River Channel 复杂断面水力计算中的动量校正系数
The calculation of reciprocity parameters of COU-PLER calibration and the correction of sensitivity of conventional computation 耦合腔校准互易参量的理论计算和灵敏度的修正
Based on the generating Symbolic active network function, this paper presents the generating method of standard network function ( i.e. the method of dimension correction) and the computation method for network function analysis and design. 本文在生成有源网络函数的方法[2]的基础上提出了产生标准网络函数的方法(量纲修正法)和网络函数分析和设计的计算方法。
At first many points calibration data must be compressed before many points compress correction. After data compression the complicated arithmetic is simplified and the computation speed from DSP is evidently increased. 多点实时压缩校正首先需要对多点标定数据进行压缩,数据经过压缩后,减少了数据量,数据量的减少简化了复杂的校正算法,因此DSP执行算法的速度得到了有效地提高。
Block correction type multigrid method in computation of fluid flow and heat transfer 计算流体力学与传热中的多重网格块修正算法
In the level 1A pre-processing the following functions should be performed: processing tasks organizing and system environment supports, data ingest, relative radiometric correction, geographic coordinate computation of scene benchmarks, etc. 在1A级预处理中,需要解决处理任务组织和系统环境支持问题,需要完成数据国放、相对辐射校正、景地理坐标计算作业,这些问题的解决方法对遥感数据处理技术具有一定普遍意义。
So in that foundation this thesis proposed the amendatory expressions which can neglect the effect of secondary frame in computing structure lateral displacement, and this correction coefficient enhances the computation precision of that simplification method. 因此,本文在此基础上提出了不考虑次框架影响时结构侧移的修正公式,以提高此简化方法的计算精度。
We also give a new correction factor to simplify the calculation of the Unstatistic. Calculation of Skewed Plates Moreover, the principium of the cable held bridge and the contact theory used in the computation are also explained. 对计算中的接触理论问题也作一粗略介绍;
The effectiveness of the Structure-Variable Control Scheme and the correction of the dc-link capacitor computation were all verified by the computer simulation study. 仿真结果验证了变结构控制的有效性和母线电容计算的正确性。
We also give a new correction factor to simplify the calculation of the Unstatistic. Parallel immune computation model of mobile robot 移动机器人的并行免疫计算模型
To solve this problem, this paper presents a fast, high accuracy and the calculation of a relatively small amount of fabric image tilt correction algorithms, a better balance between the amount of computation and accuracy than previous methods. 针对这一问题,本文提出一种快速的、准确率高的且计算量相对较小的织物图像倾斜矫正算法,比以往算法更好的兼顾了运算量与精度。
For rainfall error in remote system, three-stepwise robust correction method was put forward. Correction effect of method was improved by rainfall center considered, average rainfall graded and iterative computation. 对遥测降雨观测误差采用了三步抗差修正方法,并通过考虑面平均降雨分级、降雨中心以及迭代计算的改进,使得抗差修正效果提高,风险降低。
Rough positioning algorithm is implemented by fixed ratio algorithm presented, this algorithm uses the results of edge detection and geometric correction, which is simple, less computation, strong adaptability, and will not be impacted by the changing of image size. 粗定位部分通过固定比值算法来实现,此定位算法利用了预处理中边缘检测以及几何校正的部分成果,算法简单、计算量小、且适应性强,不会受到图像大小变化的影响。
The hardware of this system consists of stereopsis locator, surgical instruments, and computer. The software of this system consists of image preprocessing, image feature extraction and correction, stereo vision computation, instrument segmentation, and real-time 3D visualization and navigation. 该样机硬件系统包括立体视觉定位仪、手术器械和计算机三部分,软件系统包括视觉系统左右图像采集和预处理、图像特征提取和校正、立体视觉计算、器械分割和实时三维显示与导航等模块。
The system requires high-speed acquisition of image data for real-time processing. By target detection, real-time distortion correction and three-dimensional computation algorithm, the system obtains the target trajectory point coordinates, and then calculate the motion parameters. 系统需要对高速采集的图像数据进行实时处理,通过目标检测识别、实时畸变校正和三维计算算法,获取目标运动轨迹离散点的三维坐标值,进而计算其运动参数。